Tips For Protecting Your Wooden Floor From Planters

If you have an aspiring gardener in your home or simply want to add a little bit of green to your living room, you are going to likely have to deal with the problem of having plants and wooden floors coexist peacefully. You can simply buy pots that won't let any of the water out because if you buy impenetrable pots, your plants might drown. You also can't have the water from the pots drip all over the floor and stain it or cause it to rot. Read More 

How To Get Your House Totally Organized

Have you realized that you spend half your time looking for things? If you have decided to get your house totally organized, you've probably got a big job ahead of you. From sorting to storage, here are some ideas that might help you. Start With A Family Meeting - A good thing to do is to begin with a family meeting. Tell all of your family members that the time has come to get serious about getting the house in order and let them know that they'll be helping you in a big way. Read More 

Holding A Northern Indian Themed Wedding

If you and your partner recently got engaged in Northern India, or if one of you has an Indian heritage, you may wish to incorporate Indian culture into your upcoming wedding. Here are some fun ways to add a touch of India into your wedding plans so guests get a feel for your love of the country and its meaning to you and your spouse-to-be on the big day you are about to enjoy. Read More 

Before You Pick Up The Phone: Tips For Troubleshooting Your Furnace

Your home's heating system rarely ever fails at the end of the winter season. Instead, it fails right in the slap middle of the coldest temperatures and adverse weather conditions of the year. Luckily, if you educate yourself on a few things, you may be able to remedy the situation and avoid needing to call a professional HVAC technician who may not be able to show up at your home for hours, depending on the time of year and the number of calls that were receive before yours. Read More 

Tips On Buying A New Mattress

Most decent mattresses can last for years or even more than a decade if well taken care of, so it's understandable if you are not as familiar with best practices for buying a new one as you might be with some other household purchases. There are a wide variety of mattresses available today, and sifting through all of the options can quickly become overwhelming. Here are a few things to keep in mind to help you narrow down your options the next time you head to the furniture store. Read More