Sustainable Food Forests: Coppicing Leguminous Plants

Due to the burgeoning interest in growing your own food, creating food forests has become a popular topic within the sustainable gardening community. In a food forest, not all plants grow an edible crop. Leguminous trees and shrubs are often planted to provide nitrogen, which is released only when they are pruned. What is Coppicing? Coppicing is a process involving cutting trees and shrubs down to a stump and allowing them to regrow multiple shoots. Read More 

Different Types Of Lawn Sprinklers And Their Features

To keep your lawn looking healthy and beautiful, it is important to water it regularly. This is especially true if you live in an area that has extremely hot, dry weather during the summer. To determine which sprinkler will best meet your needs it is a good idea to compare the features of different types of sprinklers. These are some of the types of sprinklers on the market today and the features of each. Read More 

Making A Landscape Lighting Map: What To Put Where When Installing Exterior Lighting

The invention of solar LED lighting has enabled many homeowners to install their own landscape lighting, whereas before they might have needed an electrician and landscape artist. However, LED lighting comes in a variety of types and sizes. Each part of the property is best lit by a specific type of light. The sheer number of choices on the market can make it difficult for many homeowners to pick the right type of landscape lighting for their home. Read More 

4 Reasons Why Your Herbicide Failed To Work

Whether your attempting residential weed control or making an honest effort towards clearing out weeds at your office or business, there are a few things of which you should make yourself aware; this is especially the case if you have found that your herbicides are not properly killing weeds. Throughout the course of this brief guide, you will learn of a few reasons why your herbicide is failing to work. Read More 

Buy A House That Was Poorly Maintained And Has Odors? What To Know

If you recently purchased a house that wasn't properly maintained and you smell a variety of bad odors every time you enter the home, there are a few key things you can do to make a big difference. You don't want the house to smell, but you don't have to spend a fortune to take care of the problem. Instead, there are a few things you can do before you move in to help eliminate or reduce the odors that you have to battle. Read More