Using Shutters In Creative And Clever Ways, Inside And Outside Your Home

If you are looking for versatile window treatments that offer both benefits to both the inside and outside of your home, shutters may be the best option. These can offer protection, security, and privacy while also adding an aesthetically appealing element to the home that curtains simply don't provide. Consider some inventive ways to use shutters around your home, adding function and curb appeal to your overall property.  Using shutters inside: Read More 

5 Reasons You Should Soften Your Water

Hard water contains too many minerals, like calcium, and is still used in many households this day. There may not be any dangers in using hard water, but it can make cleaning and other things more difficult. That is why you should give serious consideration to getting a water softener. Here are five good reasons you should soften your water: Your Water Heater Will Last Longer Your water heater is one of your most used appliances and can be quite expensive to replace. Read More 

The Abcs Of What You Need To Prepare Your Trees For Hurricane Season

Trees may add a lot of aesthetic appeal -- and even value -- to your property, but when hurricane season looms near, it is best to take a look at the trees you have on your property with a carefully discerning eye. Trees that are in bad shape during high winds that are consistent with hurricanes, and the storms that radiate from hurricanes are easily a major threat to your home, property, and safety. Read More 

Successfully Eliminate Oil-Based Paint From A Granite Counter’s Surface

If oil-based paint spilled onto a granite counter in your kitchen, remove it with the following steps. Once you have finished, the counter will be stain-free. Keep it maintained so that it is not susceptible to staining in the future and remains damage-free. Supplies Needed towel plastic scraper rubber gloves face mask mineral spirits sponge (with slightly abrasive surface) bucket of water granite cleaner lint-free cloth Remove Fresh Paint Read More 

How To Re-Caulk Your Glass Shower Doors

Glass shower doors can make your bathroom so much more stylish. Large glass panes, in place of plastic shower curtains, give the room much more class and distinction. However, the door will need to be maintained if it is going to look good and remain strong. Since there is so much water in a shower environment, you need to take some special consideration. Most importantly, you need to prevent mold from forming along the caulk lines. Read More